Online Forms
Online Access by proxy form
Children and Young People
There is a general assumption amongst our patients that parents (or individual given parental responsibility) have access to their child’s medical record or details about their clinical care until they are the age of 16 or 18. This is in fact not the case.
Children over the age of 12 are generally considered to have the capacity to give or withhold consent to release medical records. More specifically, those under 16 should demonstrate that they have the capacity to make these decisions. Where the child is considered to be capable, then their consent must be sought before access is given to a third party, in this case the parent.
Access can be refused by the health professional where they consider that the child does not have capacity to give consent / decline decisions. If the appropriate health professional considers that a child patient is Gillick competent (i.e. has sufficient maturity and understanding to make decisions about disclosure of their records) then the child should be asked for his or her consent before disclosure is given to someone with parental responsibility.
If the child is not Gillick competent and there is more than one person with parental responsibility, each may independently exercise their right of access.
In all circumstances good practice dictates that a Gillick competent child should be encouraged to involve parents or other legal guardians in any treatment/disclosure decisions.
Therefore, our current Practice Policy is to remove parental access to all those who turn 14 unless we have written consent from the individual to state otherwise.
Do you want to manage your child's repeat prescriptions online?
You can also get online access to book their appointments and view their medical record.
Once this is set up, you can then access these services through the NHS App.
Find out how to Apply to access a child's online GP services (NHS website)
This service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe.
Sick Note Request Form
Only request a sicknote following a GP consultation or to extend a current one. Please provide specific details on the following:
Start Date of new note (can only be produced on or after expiry of current note)
Period of time you believe is suitable
Any other information you feel relevant
Please note that the GP may request a review appointment prior to issueing.
Please submit your request using this link:
This short online form is the quickest and simplest way for the majority of our patients to access or clinical team for assistance. Our practice phone lines remain open for anyone with accessibility needs who might find difficulty completing this form.
Please do not use this online form for urgent or emergency requests. The submitted forms will only be able to be submitted and read during office hours.
The forms will not be read on the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) or on bank holidays. They will not be read Monday-Friday between the hours of 1800 - 0900. Please contact 111 during out of hours or 999 if this is an emergency.
Request Repeat Prescription Form
Please submit your request using this link: during the hours of 0800-16-- monday to friday or email
This short online form is the quickest and simplest way for the majority of our patients to access or clinical team for assistance. Our practice phone lines remain open for anyone with accessibility needs who might find difficulty completing this form.
Please do not use this online form for urgent or emergency requests. The submitted forms will only be able to be submitted and read during office hours.
The forms will not be read on the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) or on bank holidays. They will not be read Monday-Friday between the hours of 1800 - 0900. Please contact 111 during out of hours or 999 if this is an emergency.
Tell Us If You Are A Carer Form
If we know that you are a carer, we can provide you with really useful support, advice and information. For example, they can refer you to local support networks in your area or help you understand what you're entitled to as a carer – such as a free flu jab.
Please submit your information using this link:
This short online form is the quickest and simplest way for the majority of our patients to access or clinical team for assistance. Our practice phone lines remain open for anyone with accessibility needs who might find difficulty completing this form.
Please do not use this online form for urgent or emergency requests. The submitted forms will only be able to be submitted and read during office hours.
The forms will not be read on the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) or on bank holidays. They will not be read Monday-Friday between the hours of 1800 - 0900. Please contact 111 during out of hours or 999 if this is an emergency.
Your Complaint
Our Principles are:
- To get it right
- To be patient focussed
- To be open & accountable
- To act fairly and proportionately
- To put thing right
- To seek continuous improvement
If things haven’t gone right for you, often it can be addressed through a call and explanation, so please do contact the surgery to discuss your issue with the Practice Manager or a member of the team. If you are not happy with the response and want further investigation, you can complete this form and submit it to the practice
Please note: Constructive feedback welcome, not frustrated rants or abuse.
If you wish to submit a written complaint please do so using this link:
Please submit your information using this link: during mon-fri 8am-4pm
This short online form is the quickest and simplest way for the majority of our patients to contact us. Our practice phone lines remain open for anyone with accessibility needs who might find difficulty completing this form.
Please do not use this online form for urgent or emergency requests. The submitted forms will only be able to be submitted and read during office hours.
For further help see: