Work Experience

Monkfield Medical Practice (MMP) supports work experience placements to support individuals experience what it’s like to undertake a job supervised by staff who already work in the environment.


By offering work experience placements MMP gain real benefits. It gives MMP access to a wide talent pool to draw from when recruiting. Young people can bring energy, passion and a fresh perspective to MMP, older people can bring their life skills and experiences. Existing staff will benefit from the chance to work with, and manage someone. Work experience is crucial to bridge the gap between education and the world of work. At its broadest and best, work experience can open people’s eyes to jobs they had never thought of, help inform career decisions, offer a chance to prove themselves to an employer and help instil the attitudes and behaviours expected at work. If we want people who are ready to work in healthcare, we need to be ready to help build their employability skills.


We provide work experience placements for those aged 16 + for a period of one to two weeks depending on the resources we have in the practice at the time. The first week will be to give the individual a wide view of the clinics within the practice through observation of all Specialist skills within a clinic environment and also to experience the business administration side of the surgery including Patient Services, Finance, Human Resources and Communications. Find out more in our Work Experience Policy


Please see the attached application form.